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Seoul Metropolitan Opera presents Italian composer Gioachino Rossini's masterpiece "The Barber of Seville" at Sejong Center for the Performing Arts. [SEJONG CENTER FOR THE PERFORMING ARTS]


Lotte Concert Hall

Aug. 14: Up-and-coming opera singers perform arias and modern pop at the Opera Carnival 2020 Encore. Some of the vocalists include bases Sonn Hye-soo, Son Tae-jin and tenor Kim Hyun-soo, a member of cross-over group Forte di Quattro. Jeong Phillip, who is often dubbed as Korea¡¯s Andrea Bocelli, and baritone Kim Joo-taek will also take part.

In order to make opera more accessible to those who are new to it, the organizer of the concert said traditional opera singers and cross-over musicians will perform together.

The concert starts at 7:30 p.m.

Tickets range from 44,000 won ($37) to 121,000 won.

Jamsil Station, line No. 2, exit 1 or 2.

Sejong Center for the Performing Arts, M Theater

Aug. 18 - 22: Italian composer Gioachino Rossini¡¯s masterpiece ¡°The Barber of Seville¡± is being staged by the Seoul Metropolitan Opera.

The Italian comic opera, also known as opera buffa, is considered the most representative work from the 19th century bel canto opera.

Set in 18th-century Spain, the opera tells the tale of Figaro, a barber from Seville, who assists Count Almaviva in his search for the most beautiful lady in the town.

With the opera¡¯s catchy melodies and comedic sequences, the timeless classic is often recommended to those who are new to opera.

The opera starts at 7:30 p.m. from Tuesdays to Fridays. Two performances are available at 3 p.m. and 7:30 p.m. on weekends. There are no shows on Mondays.

Tickets range from 40,000 won to 80,000 won.

Gwanghwamun Station, line No. 5, exit 8.

Chungmu Arts Center, Grand Theater

Through Oct. 18: Set in the Renaissance period, comedy musical ¡°Something Rotten!¡± depicts the struggles of two brothers — Nick and Nigel Bottom — who endeavor to write their own masterpiece to outdo their archrival William Shakespeare.

Premiered in 2014 in Broadway, the musical was acclaimed by critics and audiences alike upon its release.

The musical starts at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; 3 p.m. and 8 p.m. on Wednesdays; 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. on weekends and national holidays. There are no shows on Mondays.

Ticket prices range from 60,000 won to 140,000 won.

Sindang Station, line No. 6, exit 9.

Seoul Arts Center, Jayu Theater

Aug. 19 – 23: Marking the 60th anniversary of the diplomatic relationship between Korea and Sweden, two art groups from each country joined hands and created this nonverbal performance.

SangSang Maru of Korea and ZebraDans of Sweden began preparing for the show from 2019 but with lingering concerns over the ongoing coronavirus, only Korean actors would take the stage.

"Ne Ne Ne" is designed for young audiences to explore shapes and sounds they hear every day. The show is a combination of dance, mime and theatrical performance.

The performance starts at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. from Wednesdays to Fridays and Sundays; 11 a.m., 2 p.m. and 5 p.m. on Saturdays. There are no shows on Mondays or Tuesdays.

Tickets are priced from 25,000 won to 40,000 won.

Nambu Bus Terminal Station, line No. 3, exit 5.

Seoul Arts Center, CJ Towol Theater

Aug. 21 – 23: The Korean National Ballet presents a piece inspired by the life of Heo Nan Seol Heon who was a female poet during the Joseon Dynasty (1392-1910). Despite her talent and the large volume of beautiful poems she wrote, she was not appreciated because she was born in the time when women were not recognized no matter how talented they were.

Based on ¡°Gamwoo¡± and ¡°Mongyugwangsangsan,¡± the two most famous poems by Heo Nan Seol Heon, the Korean National Ballet reinterprets the old poems with modern ballet moves.

The ballet starts at 7:30 p.m. on Aug. 21; 3 p.m. and 6 p.m. on Aug. 22; 3 p.m. on Aug. 23.

Ticket prices range from 15,000 won to 30,000 won.

Nambu Bus Terminal Station, line No. 3, exit 5.

The original French production team of the musical ¡¯Notre Dame de Paris¡° comes to Seoul in five years with updated lights, props and costumes. [MAST ENTERTAINMENT]

Kyung Hee University, Peace Hall

Sept. 4 – 5: Singer-songwriter Yoon Do-hyun is to hold a solo concert in Seoul, titled 2020 Acoustic Forest. Yoon, who is also a vocalist of the rock band YB, has been much loved by music fans for his powerful vocals over the past two decades. He has many hits under his belt including ¡°Oh! Pilseung Korea,¡± ¡°A Flying Butterfly¡± and ¡°I Guess I Loved You.¡±

After the two-day concert in Seoul, the musician will stop by other cities such as Daegu and Busan to hold solo concerts.

The concert starts at 8 p.m. on Sept. 4 and 7 p.m. on Sept. 5.

Ticket prices range from 99,000 won to 110,000 won.

Hoegi Station, line No. 1, exit 1.

Seoul Arts Center, Concert Hall

Sept. 13: Pianist Kim Sun-wook will play Ludwig van Beethoven¡¯s later pieces including ¡°Andante Favori, WoO 57,¡± ¡°Piano Sonata No. 30, Op. 109¡± and ¡°Piano Sonata No. 31, Op. 110,¡± marking the 250th birthday of the legendary composer.

Kim is considered one of the world¡¯s leading experts on Beethoven because he has been playing pieces by the German composer for years.

His passion for Beethoven was acknowledged when he was invited to perform at a concert to celebrate the birth of Beethoven in 2012. Kim was also the first beneficiary of the Beethoven monitoring program in 2013 and was given access to the composer¡¯s handwritten documents for further studies.

Kim¡¯s recital was scheduled to be held in March, but it was called off due to the outbreak of the coronavirus.

The concert starts at 7 p.m.

Tickets range from 30,000 won to 100,000 won.

Nambu Bus Terminal Station, line No. 3, exit 5.

Lotte Concert Hall

Sept. 19: The Italian composer Ennio Morricone passed away in July, but his masterpieces will be remembered through a concert in Seoul.

The concert will feature We Philharmonic Orchestra and some singers including musical actor Min Woo-hyuk and soprano Park So-young. They will perform Morricone¡¯s works from films like ¡°The Mission¡± (1986) and ¡°Once Upon a Time in America¡± (1984).

The concert starts at 6 p.m.

Ticket prices range from 40,000 won to 120,000 won.

Jamsil Station, line No. 2, exit 1 or 2.

Olympic Park, 88 Jandi Madang

Sept. 26: Korea¡¯s only outdoor Disney concert will feature songs from hit movies like ¡°Coco¡± (2017), ¡°Frozen¡± (2013), ¡°The Little Mermaid¡± (1989) and ¡°Lion King¡± (1994).

Kids can come to the concert dressed as their favorite Disney character and enjoy classical versions of their favorite Disney songs.

The first performance starts at 11:30 a.m. and the second starts at 6:30 p.m.

Ticket prices range from 50,000 won to 90,000 won.

Olympic Park Station, line No. 5, exit 3.

Blue Square, Interpark Hall

Nov. 10 – Jan. 17: The original French production team of the musical ¡°Notre Dame de Paris¡± is making its way to Seoul for the first time in five years to mark the 20th anniversary of the musical being staged in France.

Much of the musical from the props to the lights and costumes have been updated, according to the original production team. The French production team started its worldwide tour with the updated version in 2017.

The musical is based on the 1831 French novel by Victor Hugo. Set in the 15th century, "Notre Dame" follows several characters including Quasimodo, the deformed, bell ringer of the Notre-Dame Cathedral who is in love with a beautiful dancer named Esmeralda.

Actor Daniel Lavoie, who played Frollo in the premiere of the musical in France back in 1998, will once again play the same antagonist role.

The first batch of tickets for the musical are already on sale.

Hangangjin Station, line No. 6, exit 2 or 3.

*Most tickets are available at ticket.interpark.com/global or by calling 1544-1555.


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