Á¤±ÛºÏ ¢Ö ½½·Ô¸±°ÔÀÓ ¢Ö§Á 80.rkt541.top §×Astronauts, from left, JAXA?(Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency) and mission specialist Takuya Onishi, NASA astronaut and pilot Nichole Ayers, Roscosmos cosmonaut and mission specialist Kirill Peskov and NASA astronaut and spacecraft commander Anne McClain wave as they depart the Shuttle Landing Facility in Cape Canaveral, Fla., Friday, March 7, 2025. Crew-10 is scheduled to launch on Wednesday, M °øµ¿Áß°³ arch 12 for the International Space Station. (Ricardo Ramirez Buxeda/Orlando Sentinel via AP) MANDATORY CREDIT; NO LICENSING EXCEPT BY AP COOPERATIVE MEMBERS ºñ¼Ò±¸ ÁÖÅô㺸´ëÃâ ¢ºÁ¦º¸´Â Ä«Åå okjebo