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Manjusha K


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Ãâó: YuppTV

YuppTV Join Forces With BSNL for a Triple Play Service Partnership

-- The association will enhance video and broadband technology services for mobile and fixed line

NEW DELHI, Oct. 21, 2019 /PRNewswire/ -- The global leader in South-Asian OTT content, YuppTV has announced its partnership with India's oldest communication service provider, BSNL. The two category-leaders have entered into a triple play partnership for video and broadband technology services for mobile and fixed line.

As the largest broadband provider in the country, the fiber network by BSNL has covered every nook and corner in the country and enjoys an equally fervent mobile base. It has the potential of providing triple play services to any corner in the country, including India's very hinterlands.

On the other hand, YuppTV is a force to reckon in video and technology services, as a pioneer in the OTT space, YuppTV flaunts over 10 glorious years of expertise in streaming Live and VOD content to the wide-ranging audience across the globe with its innovative features. YuppTV offers an extensive and exclusive content library with Live TV channels and catch-up, movies and exclusive originals.

BSNL is counted amongst the only service provider making focused efforts and taking planned initiatives to bridge the rural-urban digital divide in the ICT sector. With BSNL's unrivaled pan-India reach, especially in the tier 2 & 3 markets and beyond and given YuppTV's proven track record of superior and scalable technology along with extensive and exclusive content library, both the brands will together create an exemplary value proposition for India.

Commenting on the association, Mr. Uday Reddy, Founder & CEO of YuppTV, said, "We are glad to join forces with an industry incumbent like BSNL. Following the association, we have an opportunity to leverage the vast network cultivated by BSNL and bring forth superior technology products and features to a burgeoning user base. At YuppTV, we are determined to democratize access to cutting-edge entertainment solution through simple yet effective and innovative technology. We look forward to a long-term association and an affirmative response from BSNL's extensive user base."

Echoing a similar thought, Shri Pravin Kumar Purwar, CMD of BSNL, added, "As a pioneer in the OTT space for 10 years, YuppTV has been quick to evolve with the changing times, leveraging disruptive technology for providing superior digital and video entertainment products and services such as Live streaming or catch-up TV or exclusive Originals. We are glad to associate with YuppTV to provide an impressive value proposition for consumers in India."

Director CFA of BSNL Board, Sh. Vivek Banzal informed that technical setup has already been tested successfully to provide seamless triple play services on single fiber connection (Bharat Fiber) to its customers.

The association is also set to help BSNL enhance its portfolio of services offers and stay competitive in a fast-evolving and cut-throat market. YuppTV will not only bundle its services for BSNL broadband and mobile customers but will also assist the brand in offering broadband services to the underserved areas, by providing last-mile infrastructure.

Media Contact:

Manjusha K


Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/839837/YuppTV_Logo.jpg

Logo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1014379/BSNL_Logo.jpg

Photo - https://mma.prnewswire.com/media/1014380/Yupp_TV_BSNL.jpg

Source: YuppTV

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